Here is the link to my Reaction Paper on Response to Writing by Richard Beach and Tom Friedrich, One Approach to Guiding Peer Response by Kim Jaxon, and Writing Comments on Students’ Papers by John C. Bean.
For the Final Project, I went over the digital tools list and found some interesting possible ones I could maybe use for my vignette. I have some notes for my vignette and I think that this list is really going to help me develop my vignette further.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Final project
liked how we discussed our ideas further in class last week and we were able to
come up with a theme. What I liked the most about our idea is that we’ll all be
able to share something that is unique to each of us.
am still developing my idea for my vignette. Essentially,
I would like to compose a reflective piece where I’ll be sharing part of my
experience as a writer. Part of the purpose of me writing this is to inspire
other writers. Perhaps to help them believe more in themselves or just inspire
them to write.
I'm excited about how we’ll be working on this project together and I wonder how
that actual final product will look like.
the DigiWriMo, I think it would be a great way to gain attention towards our final
project. It’s an exciting idea as well.
Blog # 4
“Bi, Butch, and Bar Dyke: Pedagogical Performances of Class, Gender, and Sexuality” by Michelle Gibson, Martha Marinara, and Deborah Meem & “Voice in Writing Again: Embracing Contraries” by Peter Elbow
Both essays this week talked about voice.
“Bi, Butch, and Bar Dyke: Pedagogical Performances of Class, Gender,
and Sexuality” by Michelle Gibson, Martha Marinara, and
Deborah Meem was
an essay where the authors got really personal and talked about where they
stand in terms of their class, gender, and sexuality. These are all areas that
form part of our voice. I liked how the authors came through with a voice that
was perceived by me as clear and authentic. They mentioned how their voice in
the academia world was different due to what made them who they are. I found
this interesting because I’ve always thought about the uniqueness of voice and
how it can say so much based on who we are.
The authors
didn’t have any problem sharing personal facts about who they were. Their “labels”
shaped their voice and they weren’t afraid to say that. They admitted to know
that their voice was different than the one in the academia world and I found
that inspiring. We are all different and I find that that’s the beauty in
diversity. This essay by Gibson, Marinara, and Meem makes me think that we
should all bring our voice forward while respecting those that sound different
than ours.
The authors
mentioned that their backgrounds and the way they lived had played a role into
the voice they developed for their academic writing. I liked how they truly
showed that who they were was reflected in their writing. This makes their
writing authentic. They are not mocking someone else’s voice to fit the standard
in the academic world. They are coming as who they are and that is reflected in
their writing.
In the essay “Voice in Writing
Again: Embracing Contraries” by Peter Elbow it seem to me like he didn’t write towards
or against voice but rather for both. I can see what he means when he says that
both could be important but I find it really hard to separate the two. Even when
I am reading something from an author I don’t know I can sense their voice. Even
when that voice is dry and boring, I am able to get that from the reading and
in return, it makes me feel a certain way towards the author and what they are
saying in the reading. It is not like I can hear their real voice, like when I read
something from someone I know, but I can hear their tone and what’s coming
through the words they are choosing or the way they are saying what they’re
think that voice is so connected with writing because for instance, when we
read something by a male or a female we tend to, at times, read it differently.
We also tend to read things differently when we know something or a lot about
the particular author we are reading about.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Ideas for Final Project
For our final project, I think that the
anti-theory idea has some potential. It we elaborate more on ways to expand
that idea we could create something really different. What I was not in love with
about that idea was the brainstorming we came up with in class. After thinking
about it, I thought that we came up with a useful
list of genres (narrative, persuasive, expository, poetry etc…) yet it is
the same old we’ve been taught for years. These genres are important --- don’t get
me wrong, but if we go with that we won’t be creating something different.
Idea #2 is good too but I am not sure
that creating lesson plans will satisfy all members of our class. As a writer, I’ll
be interested in being part of this project but I won’t feel like I’m truly
doing something that connects with me.
Being that idea #3 still needs to be discussed
further --- I’ll leave it at that and maybe we can talk more about it in class
Thinking about something different for
this project that I could connect with I thought about creating a book for
writers. It could be a section of the original handbook for writers that we
talked about or a new one. A book where I would write reflective pieces or
prompts, or both… one where I would write about my own experiences as a writer,
what I’ve learn… something that can help and inspire younger writers to
continue going. Perhaps some of the topics we’ve talked about in class like the
comments teachers make on students papers or the importance of grammar could be
incorporated in this books. Perhaps this idea can blend with Laura’s idea about
the “collaborative narrative story/book”… not sure but it sounds exciting and DIFFERENT.
Looking forward to discussing more of
this tonight in class J.
Blog # 3 - Peter Elbow and Patrick Hartwell
to: Ranking, Evaluating, and Liking: Sorting Out Three Forms of Writing by Peter
Elbow and Grammar, Grammars, and The Teaching of Grammar by Patrick Hartwell
From this week’s readings I truly
enjoyed Elbow’s essay. In his essay, Elbow talks about three different acts we
call assessment. He focuses on talking about Raking, Evaluating, and Liking. By
ranking he means “the act of summing up one’s judgment of a performance or
person into a single, holistic number or score.” By evaluating he means “the
act of expressing one’s judgment of a performance or person by posting out
strengths and weaknesses of different features or dimensions.” He then says
that “evaluation requires going beyond
a first response that may be nothing but a kind of ranking (“I like it” or “This
is better than that”), and instead looking carefully enough at a performance or
person to make distinctions between parts or features or criteria.”
Elbow says that if you take the time to
get to know your students as the people they are, liking their writing will be
easier. As he says this, I think about the importance between having a
connection with your students. I cannot imagine having to grade papers from
someone I literally don’t know. It is important to have a relationship with
your students so that understanding their writing becomes easier. What Elbow
talks about, makes me think back about professors I’ve had when I was attending
Essex and Union County College whom had no idea who I was. They wrote “awkward”
on my papers and didn’t really give me direction as to where to go from there. They
didn’t know what I was trying to say and worst yet, I didn’t know what they
meant by “awkward”. It wasn’t until I experienced professors starting to build relationships
with me that I felt like they were understanding or liking my writing. Elbow
also says that the process of evaluation permits us to make open statements about
a piece of writing. Whereas to rank, is to be forced to translate those
discriminations into a single number. I agree with what Elbow says because while
grades are important it is more important to be able to communicate about pieces
of writing rather than to just receive a rank without further conversation or
Hartwell’s essay was a little less
enjoyable for me to read. I felt it was dense and not straightforward like Elbow’s
essay was. Hartwell talks about grammar and while I think is important, I feel
like when a student is composing a piece of writing other aspects are more
important than commenting on their grammar. Students should be taught grammar
early in their academics. This can help them in their writing but I feel like
as they become more experienced writers, grammar should be secondary in their
writing. Their focus should be more in expanding their ideas and what they are trying
to express in their writing. Rather than fixing their grammar when they are not
done yet saying what they want to say in their piece of writing.
I think that perhaps the best way to address
this grammar issues is maybe by working on it by sections. Normally, when we
are drafting we are focused on the content, the ideas we are trying to express
rather than if our grammar is correct. Therefore, I think that grammar should
be part of the editing stage rather than the revision stage.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Ideas for Final Project
Although I am still not sure about the possibilities for our final project I feel like I’m gearing towards the Handbook for Writers as our final project. We do need to keep in mind that with have both teachers and writers in our classroom so this handbook needs to serve both parties if we decide to go with it.
I don’t think that this is complicated – I almost envision it as having it be sort of like a textbook that’s broken down into chapters and each chapter is approaching different topics/audience. Our handbook could have sections for writers and sections for teachers.
I also liked the idea Laura had about the YouTube videos. I am not a camera person but perhaps videos with only a voice or graphics could be doable a helpful for our audience.
This handbook for writers/teachers could be an online source that is also printed. This way, perhaps, we could find a way for everyone to put their own stamp on the handbook and tie it all together in each section.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Blog #2 - Responding to Student Writing by Sommers and On Reflection by Yancey
to Student Writing by Sommers and On Reflection by Yancey
Sommers’ essay talked about comments
teachers write in students papers. One of the first things that caught my
attention about this essay was when it was stated: “we comment on student
writing because we believe that it is necessary for us to offer assistance to
student writers when they are in the process of composing a text, rather than
after the text has been completed.” When
I read this, I thought about classes I’ve taken and where the professor has actually
shared how it is hard for them to comment on unfinished drafts because they don’t
know how could they comment on something that is not yet finished. The
professor shared this with the purpose of letting us know that the comments we were
going to be reading from the professor were more to help us develop our drafts
rather than to make us change what we were trying to say. The professor knew
that what we were trying to say was still being developed. Therefore, the
professor encouraged us to develop our thoughts and ideas through the comments.
I feel like comments on student’s drafts, without a conversation or explanation,
could be confusing for a student because they won’t see the reasoning behind
the comments and could feel lost when reading them.
In this essay it was also stated that: “sometimes
the students do not understand the purpose behind their teachers’ comments and
take these comments very literally. At other times students understand the
comments but the teacher has misread the text and the comments, unfortunately,
are not applicable.” This made me think about the importance of having a
relationship with the students. I feel like when comments are dry on a paper
without further conversation about them, they leave a lot of room for
interpretation. It could never be clear what is the teacher trying to say with
the comments or what is the student trying to say in their draft.
Sommers later stated that students
admitted having great difficulty with the vague directives the teachers were
giving them in their comments. The students stated that when a teacher writes
in the margins or an end comment, “choose precise language,” or “think more
about your audience,” revising becomes a guessing game.” I find it ironic how the
teachers ask constantly for students to be specific about what they are saying yet
their comments are vague. I feel like this does not help the student develop
their writing or learn anything about it. Instead, it creates confusion and a
desire to write what the teacher wants if the student is able to figure it out rather
than to write something the student is content with.
Yancey’s essay is about many theories
that focused their study on reflection when composing. I started reading this
essay and started to just take in the information in very smoothly but when I read
“reflection has played but a small role in this history of composing.” I found
this statement very disappointing. As a writer, I value reflection. If I don’t reflect
on anything that has to do with what I am writing, then what’s the purpose of
me writing anything at all? In my experience as a writer, I’ve found that when I
reflect about what I am writing I am able to not only develop my pieces further
but I am able to learn more in the process. Whether I am learning about me as a
writer or about what I am writing, I am still learning and that is valuable. I valued
when it was stated: “When we reflect, we call upon the cognitive, the affective,
the intuitive, putting these into play with each other: to help us understand
how something completed looks later, how it compares with what has come before,
how it seems stated or implicit criteria, our own, those of other.”
Overall, both article stated important
topics when it came to writing. The comments that teachers write on students papers
form great part of the composing process as well as the importance in
reflection when composing.
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